A walk down memory lane

The first time we went to Tanaka Farms, Lucy was 8 months old and Rubén was 5. It has been a constant in our life ever since.

It was fun to go today, with Lucy now 10 and Rubén, now 15, enjoy the same sites and tours (and some new ones) from a new perspective. Tasting just-picked vegetables, picking strawberries, and watching my 15 year old try to pet chickens just like the little two year old next to him filled me (and I think him) with joy.

It never rains in Southern California (or so they say)

It’s been an especially rainy winter in Southern California. I realize that our winter would be a mild spring for pretty much anyone else in the country, but we are weather wimps. Endless days of 60º weather and rain every week have been good in some ways, not so much in others. But here are some of the things I love about it:

The sound of the rain pitter pattering on the roof.

The bright, clean, clear days after the rain.

The vibrant green of baby plants.

The purples and golds and pinks of the early spring flowers.


The crisp air.


Floating paper boats down our hill.

A new umbrella.

Coffee, a puzzle, and a cozy fireplace.

5 Things I Should Do More Often…

5. Breathe. I tend to hold my breath or breathe shallowly (is that a word?) when I feel stressed.  (I am a mom of three and a full time teachers, so, like…always).

4. Go for a run.  I went for a short little two mile run this afternoon and it was amazing to notice what it did for my energy, my stress level, and my mood.

3. Play with my kids.  Not mother them or cook for them or drive them places.  But play- a game, a sport, whatever.

2. Clean out my drawers.  Marie Kondo go away- I am ignoring you, but I promise I will get rid of a few t-shirts.

1. Not wait until the last minute to even think about planning my slice of life…

Questions I never imagined I’d have to ask… (today’s edition)

To my daughter….

Did you just fall asleep in the shower?

Why are you eating a frozen waffle when it is 40º outside?  (I think this one needs further clarification…the waffle was NOT formerly frozen and now defrosted and toasted, it was actually frozen.  A waffle-cicle, one might say).

To my student….

Where’s your literary essay?   (Response:  “what’s a literary essay?” me: “Ummmm…those things we have been doing in writer’s workshop for like a month…”

To myself….

Why is it only Monday?





The Best Laid Plans…

I am a water polo mom.  I have been for a few years now, so I have figured a few things out.

Keep a foldable chair in the car.  There are usually bleachers (except for when there aren’t)…but they are never comfortable.

Keep an extra towel in the car.  Not for the water polo players- they had better remember their own.  Said bleachers often have dew, spilled high school who-knows-what-that-is substances, or in the case of this winter….rain puddles.  Lots of rain puddles.

Bring snacks.

Wear layers.

The list goes on.  I’ve seen it all and learned ways to deal with it all.  Which is why when yesterday’s forecast said “Rain rain rain” and my schedule said “water polo, water polo, water polo, water polo, and water polo,”  I knew what to do.

I wore boots.  Tall leather ones (I live in SoCal and don’t own rain boots, so this is the next best thing).  Thick socks underneath.

I wore jeans.  A long sleeved shirt. A waterproof jacket.  Brought an umbrella. And a towel.  And my little foldable chair.  I was even smart enough to fold up my chair every time I stood up so it would stay dry.

So how did I end up with a  sopping wet shirt from my upper back to my waist?  Not sure.  Said shirt never came out from under my jacket.  Jacket was not soaked through.

How did my jeans end up completely soaked through from the back of my waist to the back of my knees?  I’m really not sure.  I sat under an umbrella, on a chair, on top of a towel.  And I still got soaked.

How did I end up with boots so soaked my socks were wet?  Not really sure.  I promise I didn’t jump in any puddles.  Although that may have been fun…

This all just reminded me that sometimes things go wrong. Even when we are prepared.  Life makes its own rules and its own path for us.

Even if we have the best laid plans.



If You Really Knew Me….


Edited- I forgot the one that inspired the list!

If you really knew me you would know….

  • I have three babies…they’re 20, 15, and 10. Maybe other people don’t consider those ages to be babies, but, well, you know the cliché….
  • If I go to the movies in an actual movie theater, I will fall asleep. No exceptions. Doesn’t matter how good the movie is.
  • I can recite most of The Princess Bride. Inconceivable, right?
  • Coffee is pretty much my favorite food
  • I have an equal passion for beautiful high heels and the fluffiest of fluffy socks. (But not together).
  • I love to grow things- vegetables, succulents, trees. It makes me feel connected to the earth.
  • If a bird flies near my head, I will Lose. My. Shit.
  • I love the sound of my husband’s laugh.


Things I’m thankful for today….

  • Starbucks…of course
  • A big hug and a smile from a student who was absent all week
  • Realizing my students are growing as readers a little more than I thought
  • Friends who will go on a lunch adventure with me (thank you Clara!)
  • Tiny farmer’s markets
  • Strawberries so sweet they taste like they were dipped in sugar (but they weren’t!)
  • A Friday afternoon manicure
  • Pizza night!